Tuesday, July 24, 2012

All You Have

When I first started to ride, I questioned my teacher and I asked him "What is the key to riding?" In his words, he told me "To give it my all. One mistake can be fatal." Without 100% of pure concentration and giving it my all, accidents can happen. How our form is and how attentive we are really matters. But most importantly is where our heart is. Are we all in, or are we only halfway in? To ride, you must become one with the horse and work with the horse.

The Savior requires this of us. He requires our "all". He requires that we pay 100% attention and to give Him our heart. It's not just where our actions are and just the service that we may do for others. It's the desires of our heart that really matters and how much we are willing to put into it.  To become one with the Savior requires a change of mind and desire to work with the Savior as it does in horseback riding. To be one with, means to work together. Once we accomplish this, we will always be able to feel the love that He has for us.

1 comment:

  1. What a marvelous analogy! Love your inspirational messages!!!
