Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It Means No Worries

"Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase! Hakuna Matata... Aint no passin' craze...It means no worries for the rest of your days! It's our problem free, philosophy. Hakuna Matata!"-Lion King; Timon and Pumba

"Yea, and I also exhort you , my brethren, that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away unto temptations of the devil, that he may not overpower you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last day; for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing.
"But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest fom all your afflictions." (Alma 34: 39 & 41)
   Timon and Pumba are some of the most laid back and easy going characters that I have known. They have a carefree life and once they go into the real world, they still have fun and are relaxed. They never let life get in the way of being themselves. I strive to be like that so that I can have balance in my personal life. Have fun, but also be able to deal with the challenges that I may go through.
   There are some things that could be learned from them. In this life, there isn't enough time to just have fun and to hang around. There's school, work and then there's the trials that we have in life on top of it all. But no worries, there's Hakuna Matata. If we have patience and faith in the Savior and we KNOW that He is always there for us, He will help us even more through our rough times and bless us on top of it. This isn't the end. We are able to live with our families again and to rest from all of our cares and worries and troubles. On top of it, the Savior will bless us and He will NEVER leave us.

"I say unto you that this mortal body is raised to an immortal body, that is from death even from the first death unto life,that they can die no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus the whole becomming spiritual and immortal, that they can no more see corruption." (Alma 11:40)

Don't freak out! Have fun and have faith. Follow what the Savior would have us do. Strive to be like Him and He will bless us immensely. He will protect us and help us through all of our trials and help us grow to become more like him. We will be with our families once again.
It's not the end! If we have patience and endure through our troubles we will be blessed, and the Savior will make sure that we recieve that time of rest. A time of rest from our worries and troubles. "Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase! It means no worries for the rest of your days! It's our problem free philosphy. Hakuna Matata!"-Timon and Pumba

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